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What Are MCTs And How Do They Work
What Are MCTs And How Do They Work
What Are MCTs And
How Do They Work
4 min read

Medium Chain Triglycerides or MCTs are essential fatty acids found in coconut oil and are loaded with good saturated fats. MCTs are so small that they are quickly absorbed into our bloodstream. This makes them easy to digest and quickly converted by our liver into ketone energy instead of being stored as fats.
They are called “medium” because they only have 6-12 carbon atoms, namely:
The type of energy that converts into ketone energy fastest. It crosses the blood brain barrier (typically found in people with cognitive decline) to serve as energy for our brain which in effect makes us more alert and focused.
Has strong antiviral and antimicrobial properties as it converts into monocaprin in the body, where it combats viruses and bacteria. Capric Acid also increases energy expenditure, which contributes to losing fat and weight.
Decreases the stickiness of blood platelets and aids digestion by increasing motility (flow) of the stomach. Its secretions reduce cholesterol in blood and liver and increase the uptake of calcium.